We need you for
Proofreading Work
Become An Online Virtual Proof-Reader and Earn Money By Finding & Correcting Typo-Grammatical Errors Made By Others
Full-Time and Part-Time Remote Job Vacancy
Thank you for your interest in applying for an at-home proofreading position with Hiresine.com. We hire part-time and full-time proofreaders who demonstrate superlative proofreading and editing skills.
Hiresine’s team of talented professionals has left behind the daily commute for the advantages of working virtually. For some its about having a more flexible schedule, or the freedom to spend winter somewhere warm, or the variety of working with multiple clients. As a business-class Proofreader, you’ll work for the big or small business owners with a wide range of tasks, helping them to succeed, and freeing them up to focus on growing their business.
Sound appealing? If you have a good professional background in project management, an interest in learning new skills, & a stable home-office environment we’d love to hear from you.